Super Summer Sale! 50% OFF

Written by Denis Dulici on Monday, 09 June 2014. Posted in Miwisoft, Coupons . Hits: 22819

Super Summer Sale! 50% OFF
This is your chance to get more of our products for less money! We are offering a 50% summer discount in all products within a period of 5 days.

Check out our top products in the Joomla & WordPress world and don't miss the chance of using them. Do you feel like an ecommerce guru using MijoShop/MiwoShop, director uploading videos through MijoVideos/MiwoVideos or organiser ticketing events with MijoEvents/MiwoEvents.

There is so much to discover. This is going to be your very special summer sale!

Discount code: summer2014

Valid from June 09 to June 13, 2014 (24:00 GMT +0)

We're running this campaign together with JoomlaShine company so don't miss the same offer for templates at

Enjoy it!

About the Author

Denis Dulici

Denis Dulici

Denis joined the World Wide Web in 2006 with SMF forum and continued with Joomla and WordPress. Due to his education, his all job was to write and maintain code. His professional field is PHP & MySQL but due to his job & education he also masters XML, Java and C# languages.

Denis is a citizen of Albania, bachelor of Marmara University Technology Engineering, Senior PHP Developer, founder of Miwisoft, married and father of a teenyweeny girl.



Carsten Buhl
+1 #1 Carsten Buhl 2014-06-13 16:53
I have tried to by at your shop right now, but it does not work :-)
Carsten Buhl
Denis Dulici
#2 Denis Dulici 2014-06-13 17:16
Carsten, I just tested myself and it works fine. Which product are you trying to purchase and what do you exactly get?
Ben Seidel
#3 Ben Seidel 2014-07-01 16:56
We barely missed the summer sale! Any chance you are going to have another promo soon? There's some components I'd like to test out for future implementations .
Denis Dulici
#4 Denis Dulici 2014-07-01 17:02
I'm sorry Ben but there is no plan for another promo at the moment.

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