After a couple of months of rest, I'm happy to announce a new version of the magnificent Joomla SEO & SEF URLs component, MijoSEF. This version includes a couple of new features such as automatic canonical URLs and some bug fixes.
Another millestone is out for our powerful Event Management and Booking component, MijoEvents. This release includes some cool features requested from our members such as front-end submission, responsive design, field fee, multiple booking etc.
I'm proud to announce another radical millestone for the leading Joomla Shopping Cart component, MijoShop. This millestone includes tens of new features, changes and fixes but the most important one is the multi-language adaptation with Joomla.
Here we are with a new version for the Joomla User Feedback component, MijoVoice. This release includes several bug fixed and a couple of cool new features such as avatar integration Kunena, Gravatar etc.
I'm happy to announce a new version of the leading Joomla Shopping Cart component, MijoShop. In this release we've continued turning the admin panel of MijoShop into a standard Joomla component by adding new buttons.
Today I'm proud to announce a new millestone for the leading Joomla Shopping Cart component, MijoShop. This major release includes an important structure change beside several new features so that from now, MijoShop will be totally developed by Mijosoft and not rely on OpenCart.
Ajax search is here. I'm proud to announce a new milestone for the best Joomla Site Search component, MijoSearch. This is a major release and includes the most wanted feature; Ajax search through module and component (like Google).
Here we are with another millestone for the leading Joomla Shopping Cart component, MijoShop. We've included 10 new integration plugins for other Joomla components such as K2, EasyDiscuss, DOCman etc. in this release.
Today we are proud to announce a new version of the leading Joomla Shopping Cart component, MijoShop. This major release includes several new features such as Theme Editor, integration plugins for AcyMailing, JCE, JomSocial, Kunena and a lot more.
Another Joomla 3.0 R3ADY component from Mijosoft Team, the magnificent Joomla SEO & SEF URLs component, MijoSEF. This release includes a couple of bug fixes and the compatibility with Joomla 3.