Here we are in the Permissions management section where you can filter and set all permissions.
Beware that currently MijoACL Extensions are a MUST to set permissions and run the Access Control. Permissions are seperated in tabs to easy the usability. You can also manage all permissions from "All-in-one" tab.
Firstly, determine the permissions you wanna manage by using filters. After you've set permission (
Allow /
Deny /
Inherit) save or apply your changes.
Check the following images to learn how to set Global, Component, Category and/or Item based permissions.
You can also check
this article to learn how does the permission hierarchy of MijoACL works.
Permission states
There are 5 permisison states available:
NS: Not Set, it means that there is no permission set for this rule/action even in Global. In this case the MijoACL=>Configuration=>Default action will be applied
A: Allowed, this gives rights for that rule/action
D: Denied, this removes rights for that rule/action
IA: Inherited Allowed, it means that there is no permission set for this rule/action but it is allowed in upper levels
ID: Inherited Denied, it means that there is no permission set for this rule/action but it is denied in upper levels
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