
What we can do for you

User Manual

Setup Your Database Connection

As part of the MiwoAnalytics installation process, you will be asked for database connection information that will be used by MiwoAnalytics to create its tables and begin logging statistics. Prior to starting the install process you will want to either setup a new database for MiwoAnalytics to use (recommended) or choose an existing database. Either way MiwoAnalytics' installer requires a few pieces of database connection info:

  • Database Storage - select "Same as WordPress" if you want to use the same WordPress database where MiwoAnalytics is installed. If you are afraid of the swelling of the database size, then you can select the "External Database".
If you select "Same as WordPress" then you don't have to fill the following database info. However, if you select the "External Database" then you need to add an existing database.
  • Database Host - this is the name of the host on which the database can be accessed. This could be a remote host such as or, if MiwoAnalytics is running on the same host as your database instance you can use localhost.
  • Database Username - this is the user account that MiwoAnalytics will use to connect to your database. This database user account must have permission to read and write to the database that you want MijwoAnalytics to use.
  • Database Password - this is the password of the database user.
  • Database Name - this is the name of the database that MiwoAnalytics should read and write to. This database needs to be created if it does not exist prior to starting the install.
  • Database Table Prefix - this is the prefix of tables that database is using.

The MiwoAnalytics installer will create all the tables that it needs using the miwoanalytics_ table prefix.

In this step, if database info is right, the database connection will be succesfully done and you will be redirected to "MiwoAnalytics->Sites" page where you can start adding new sites and analyzing them.

Database Installation Stage

Adding new site

MiwoAnalytics can be used to track an unlimited number of websites. MiwoAnalytics can track pages on multiple domains and subdomains. Most users track from 1 to 10 websites, but some Piwik servers track more than 10,000 websites!

You must be logged in to MiwoAnalytics as the super user to add a new Website. Click on Settings to access the administration area, then click on the Websites tab. This page is used to create, update and delete websites.

Click on Add a new website to create a new site in MiwoAnalytics. The website form shows all the options you can specify:

As part of the MiwoAnalytics installation process, you will be asked for database connection information that will be used by MiwoAnalytics to create its tables and begin logging statistics. Prior to starting the install process you will want to either setup a new database for MiwoAnalytics to use (recommended) or choose an existing database. Either way MiwoAnalytics' installer requires a few pieces of database connection info:

 Add New Tracket Site

These are the attributes that you can specify for each website:

  • Name - the website’s name
  • Alias URLs - domains and subdomains that are tracked in this website. This will ensure that tracked domains don’t appear in the Referrer report.
  • Admins - 
  • Users - 
  • Excluded IPs - a list of IPs, or IP ranges (132.4.3.* or 143.2..) to be excluded from being tracked on all websites.
  • Excluded Parameters - URL query parameters that should be excluded from URLs, for example session parameters. This will ensure your Actions > Pages reports stay clean and easy to analyse.
  • Site Search - You can use MiwoAnalytics to track and report what visitors are searching in your website's internal search engine.
  • Time zone - each website will report data in its given time zone. If you update the website time zone, only the reports going forward will be affected.
  • Currency - the currency symbol will be displayed next to revenue in your goals.
  • Ecommerce - if your website is an Ecommerce store you can enable the Ecommerce reports.

You can also specify MiwoAnalytics-wide values for these attributes at the bottom of the page. For example, you can set a list of IPs to exclude on all websites and URL parameters to always exclude from tracked page URLs on all websites.

Adding tracking code to a new site

MiwoAnalytics offers you 3 tracking methods, use one of them to track data.

1) MiwoAnalytics Tracker

This plugin is included in the component zip file, you can see it on "Extensions -> Plug-in Manager -> System - MiwoAnalytics Tracker". When you want to track another website you need to install this plugin on that website, so it's also availlable as a plugin zip file. So you don't have to install MiwoAnalytics component on the website what you want to track. Download here.

This plugin requires a "JavaScript Tracking Code" or "Image Tracking Code". Both them can be obtained from "MiwoAnalytics Dashboard->Settings->Tracking Code". Note : Leave "Tracking Method" as default (Javascript) if you're tracking an external site (not Main).

The Second plugin needs to be installed if you want to track the page type and user data (username/e-mail). This is not required (optional). Download here.
System - MijoAnalytics Tracker mijoanalytics joomla tracker

2) Javascript Tracker

The Javascript tracker code can be obtained from "MiwoAnalytics Dashboard->Settings->Tracking Code". You need to copy + paste this code into the "header" part of the index.php (recommended) file of your template. (It's not required to paste this in the index.php file of your template, it can be placed in any php file).

miwoanalytics javascript tracker

3) Image Tracker

The Image tracker code can be obtained from "MiwoAnalytics Dashboard -> Settings -> Tracking Code". You need to copy + paste this code in the index.php (recommend) file of your template. Image Tracking method can be used ONLY on the website where MiwoAnalytics is installed. (It's not required to paste this in the index.php file of your template, it can be placed in any php file).
miwoanalytics image tracker

All Websites Dashboard

All Websites Dashboard is the best way to get an overview of what is happening on all your websites at once. You can check on the visits, unique visitors and page views, as well as view the sparkline showing the last few days evolution.

mijoanalytics all websites 

Each user can also choose, in the User Settings page, to load the All Websites Dashboard by default.

The All Websites Dashboard in Email Reports

You can also automatically receive the All Websites Dashboard by email — daily, weekly or monthly.

In Email Reports > click on ‘Edit’ (or create a new scheduled report) > then Click on the checkbox ‘All Websites Dashboard’.

Ecommerce Tracking


MiwoAnalytics provides advanced ecommerce analytics features. This page will guide you through the following steps:

  1. Enable Ecommerce on your website’s tracking.
  2. Modify the MiwoAnalytics tracking code to track Ecommerce data, products, orders on your website.
  3. An overview of the Ecommerce analytics reports to help you understand and improve your online shop!

Enable Ecommerce Tracking

Ecommerce reporting is disabled by default. To enable Ecommerce analytics reporting, click on Settings > Websites > Edit” and select Ecommerce enabled from the dropdown in the Ecommerce column. Once Ecommerce is enabled for a website, the Goals menu will be renamed to Ecommerce & Goals and will display Ecommerce reports.

MijoAnalytics Ecommerce Goals menu

If you do not see the Goals menu, it is probably because the Goals plugin is disabled. Go to Settings & Plugins to enable the Goals plugins.

Ecommerce tracking

Once you have enabled Ecommerce tracking for a website, you need to implement tracking of the various Ecommerce interactions on your website. There are three main Ecommerce interactions that are tracked with MiwoAnalytics:

  • Ecommerce Orders (and products),
  • Product (and/or category) page views.

Setting up the Ecommerce tracking is so easy. There is no need for any JavaScript code to proceed manually because our plugins will help you automatically. Just install the proper plugin, like "MiwoAnalytics - MiwoShop Tracker" plugin for tracking MiwoShop data. Here you can find other plugins.

Ecommerce reports in MiwoAnalytics

In your MiwoAnalytics interface, you can find Ecommerce reports by clicking on the main menu on “Ecommerce & Goals”.

Assuming you have set up Ecommerce tracking as explained above, MiwoAnalytics will provide the following Ecommerce reports

  • Ecommerce Metrics
  • Ecommerce orders
  • Total revenue
  • Average order value
  • Ecommerce conversion rate
  • Purchased products
  • Abandoned carts metrics: Visits with abandoned carts, revenue left in carts
  • Ecommerce Reports
  • Ecommerce overview: revenue, orders, conversion rate, AOV (Average Order Value), etc.
  • Best productSKUs
  • Best product Names
  • Best product Categories
  • Ecommerce Log – displays all visits containing an Ecommerce Order, so you can visualize your customers clickpath
  • Improved standard Reports
  • Existing reports will now include the “Ecommerce revenue” in the processing of the “Revenue” column.
  • These standard reports will also have a new metric column: “Ecommerce conversion rate”


Ecommerce Activity Overview

By default, MiwoAnalytics will display the Ecommerce metrics for the selected date range, as well as a graph showing historical values for the selected metric.

mijoanalytics ecommerce statistics 


Best Products & Best Categories

MiwoAnalytics processes the list of Top Products sold, ordered by any of the Product metrics: Revenue, Quantity purchased, Unique Purchases, Average price, Average quantity, Visits or Conversion rate.

You can get the top products reports by Product SKU, by Product Name or by Category.

MijoAnalytics Ecommerce Best products report 

Note that you can access a help definition for each column by hovering on the column name.


Ecommerce Activity log

With MiwoAnalytics, you can view (in real time!) the detailed Ecommerce log, showing all visits that have made a purchase on your website, as well as all visitors who have abandoned their shopping cart with products left in them.



Ecommerce Metrics in Standard Reports

Existing reports will now display the Ecommerce metrics in column list, so that Ecommerce performance can be visualized in any existing report and not only in the Ecommerce report page.


JavaScript tracker

MiwoAnalytics is equipped with a powerful JavaScript Tracking API. Advanced users can use the Piwik tracking code to customize the way some of the web analytics data is recorded in MiwoAnalytics.

Where can I Find the MiwoAnalytics Tracking Code?

To use all the features described in this page, you need to use the latest version of the tracking code. To find the tracking code for your website, please follow the steps below:

  • Log in to MiwoAnalytics with your admin or Super User account
  • Click on Settings to access the administration area
  • Click on Websites to list the websites that you are tracking in MiwoAnalytics
  • Click on View Tracking code for the website you wish to track
  • You can now copy and paste the JavaScript Tracking code into your pages, just before the </body> tag.

The JavaScript Tracking code looks as follows:

<script type="text/javascript">
var _paq = _paq || [];
var y="//";
(function() {
var u="//";
_paq.push(['setTrackerUrl', y]);
_paq.push(['setSiteId', 1]);
var d=document, g=d.createElement('script'), s=d.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
g.type='text/javascript'; g.async=true; g.defer=true; g.src=u+'piwik.js'; s.parentNode.insertBefore(g,s);
<noscript><p><img src="//" style="border:0;" alt="" /></p></noscript>

Manage Email Reports

A simple way of giving other people access to your MiwoAnalytics is to send regular emails reports specifically tailored to their needs. You can send reports as a PDF file or as HTML content.

In the MiwoAnalytics top bar, you will find a link called ‘Email reports’. Click it to reveal a list of scheduled email reports. Here it is, with two reports that have already been created:

mijoanalytics report list 

Create and schedule a report

Click ‘Create and Schedule a report’. The form for adding new reports is simple. The first five questions ask for details about where the report should be sent. In this example, we’re send a weekly email in HTML to [email protected] and [email protected].

The final question asks what metrics the report should include, in the example we have ticked goals. You can choose any of the metrics MiwoAnalytics has to offer, and of course you can choose more than one.

When you are ready, click the ‘Update Report’ button at the bottom of the page. Your new report will be added to the list.

mijoanalytics report edit1 mijoanalytics report edit reports 

Downloading and sending your custom reports by email

You can click “Download” or “Send now” to check that the email report works as expected, and contains all the reports you and your colleagues need. When you click “Download” or “Send now” the reports will contain information for the date currently selected in the calendar. However, when reports are sent automatically daily/weekly/monthly, the reports will automatically be sent for the previous day/week/month respectively.

By default, some reports (such as “visits overview” and “goals”, for example) will include the evolution graph to give some historical context about website traffic and performance:

mijoanalytics report list 2 Extract-from-PDF-Report-containing-the-Evolution-graph-700x448 

Email reports (PDF or HTML) and graphs will also display in languages using other character sets (assuming you uploaded the unicode font), such as this example of a report generated by a Japanese MiwoAnalytics user.

If you selected the option to include graphs in the report, here is an example “Top Browsers” page from a PDF email report:

Graphs-in-scheduled-reports-work-with-all-characters-sets PDF-Report-Top-Browsers-report-with-new-horizontal-bar-graph-700x440 

Sending Scheduled reports on Time

To make sure your daily/weekly/monthly analytics reports are as early as possible after a day or a week or a month is finished, please setup the automatic archiving cron. This script will ensure that all your report data is processed on time and that your scheduled email and SMS reports will be sent when they are due.

Note that if you do not setup this script as we recommend, MiwoAnalytics will still work and send your scheduled reports. This works as follows: a visitor viewing one of the websites tracked in MiwoAnalytics will actually trigger the processing of data and sending the email reports. For better reliability though, we highly recommend to setup the automatic archiving cron. This will ensure your reports will be delivered on time and every time.

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