MiwoAnalytics provides advanced ecommerce analytics features. This page will guide you through the following steps:
- Enable Ecommerce on your website’s tracking.
- Modify the MiwoAnalytics tracking code to track Ecommerce data, products, orders on your website.
- An overview of the Ecommerce analytics reports to help you understand and improve your online shop!
Enable Ecommerce Tracking
Ecommerce reporting is disabled by default. To enable Ecommerce analytics reporting, click on Settings > Websites > Edit” and select Ecommerce enabled from the dropdown in the Ecommerce column. Once Ecommerce is enabled for a website, the Goals menu will be renamed to Ecommerce & Goals and will display Ecommerce reports.
If you do not see the Goals menu, it is probably because the Goals plugin is disabled. Go to Settings & Plugins to enable the Goals plugins.
Ecommerce tracking
Once you have enabled Ecommerce tracking for a website, you need to implement tracking of the various Ecommerce interactions on your website. There are three main Ecommerce interactions that are tracked with MiwoAnalytics:
- Ecommerce Orders (and products),
- Product (and/or category) page views.
Setting up the Ecommerce tracking is so easy. There is no need for any JavaScript code to proceed manually because our plugins will help you automatically. Just install the proper plugin, like "MiwoAnalytics - MiwoShop Tracker" plugin for tracking MiwoShop data. Here you can find other plugins.
Ecommerce reports in MiwoAnalytics
In your MiwoAnalytics interface, you can find Ecommerce reports by clicking on the main menu on “Ecommerce & Goals”.
Assuming you have set up Ecommerce tracking as explained above, MiwoAnalytics will provide the following Ecommerce reports
- Ecommerce Metrics
- Ecommerce orders
- Total revenue
- Average order value
- Ecommerce conversion rate
- Purchased products
- Abandoned carts metrics: Visits with abandoned carts, revenue left in carts
- Ecommerce Reports
- Ecommerce overview: revenue, orders, conversion rate, AOV (Average Order Value), etc.
- Best productSKUs
- Best product Names
- Best product Categories
- Ecommerce Log – displays all visits containing an Ecommerce Order, so you can visualize your customers clickpath
- Improved standard Reports
- Existing reports will now include the “Ecommerce revenue” in the processing of the “Revenue” column.
- These standard reports will also have a new metric column: “Ecommerce conversion rate”
Ecommerce Activity Overview
By default, MiwoAnalytics will display the Ecommerce metrics for the selected date range, as well as a graph showing historical values for the selected metric.
Best Products & Best Categories
MiwoAnalytics processes the list of Top Products sold, ordered by any of the Product metrics: Revenue, Quantity purchased, Unique Purchases, Average price, Average quantity, Visits or Conversion rate.
You can get the top products reports by Product SKU, by Product Name or by Category.
Note that you can access a help definition for each column by hovering on the column name.
Ecommerce Activity log
With MiwoAnalytics, you can view (in real time!) the detailed Ecommerce log, showing all visits that have made a purchase on your website, as well as all visitors who have abandoned their shopping cart with products left in them.
Ecommerce Metrics in Standard Reports
Existing reports will now display the Ecommerce metrics in column list, so that Ecommerce performance can be visualized in any existing report and not only in the Ecommerce report page.
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